Monday 5 January 2015

Hobe Sound and journey to Panama City Beaches

Saturday was to be a relaxing day so we took Maria to lunch - to the Sailor's Rest on the Marina. We had mains of fish and chips, chicken and fig with mozzarella and a turkey and bacon sandwich. It is very difficult to get reasonable portions here in this country but I did have the choice of fruit for my side.We decided against dessert but Maria thought she' d try the house special; an almond cake. I forgot to take a photo of it - it was an omission,  as the portion fed three of us and I wasn't feeling the better of my portion for hours!! 

We returned via the most expensive post  code in US - Tiger Woods, his estranged wife, who reputedly compromised the watertable by having a water park built on her property for the children,  lives near Woods so the children  can see their Daddy.  In addition to Celine Dion to name but a few, many celebrities have a vacation home here  ( note the Americanisms creeping in), We spent a quiet evening.

A trip to the shore colters the evening Tgere were people swimming and sunbathing.

On Sunday, John and I went to an upmarket Mall in Palm Beach only 11/ drive We're Americanised already! We again did damage to the credit card. That evening, with Maria driving, we weren't far from the apartment (condo) when she noticed a light on the dash and knew it was a flat We pulled in and immediately a young man ce to our aid and was able to pump the tyre up to get us home. 

We took our car and drove 11/2 hours to Pietros on the ocean- (note another Americanism) However, by the time we arrived it was dark so we could only enjoy the full moon creating a fan of light on the Atlantic. Dinner was delicious - food of great quality. My companions had duck and pork chops and I enjoyed delicious scallops all washed down with an excellent Californian Sauvignon Blanc. Even though portions were more manageable here, we eschewed desert. 

On our return Maria was anxious to see the new season of Downton Abbey. However, I soon realised they are a season or two behind us so I left her to look at it. Much to my amazement, after the show finished, there was a full hour programme explaining Edwardian lifestyle, including its table manners, behaviour and deportment. It was fascinating . Obviously the programme makers are of the opinion that the Europeans don't need such explanations!! The programme employs an expert on the Edwardian period to advise and to think the Edwardians  performed all effortlessly.

Today,  Monday we depart for New Orleans - as we would not drive the 10/11 hr journey in one day, we decided to stop off at Pana City Beach. However,  Garmin (sat nav) took us off  the 1-10 too early and we saw less affluent iFlorida as we drove through town after town. Eventually we reached Panama City. We had been advised that it had a population of 35,000 and nearby beaches. Traffic through the city was woeful and the beach,14 miles away, stretched for miles. At this stage I thought I'd never find a motel. Eventually we found Sleep In - quite acceptable. We  had a brief respite and took a taxi to a local surf and sea restaurant where much to our surprise portions were appropriate and food excellent, healthy and enjoyable. After a pit stop at Mc Donald's  at lunchtime, I thought I might not eat again til I left the US such was the oily nature of the food . Mc Donald's In Ireland is of superior quality with the exception of the coffee,which is excellent here.

Weather rainy on arrival for first four days but warm and wet but pleasant, then warm and dry. On arrival in Panama City Beach at 19.00 this eve - temp 6* - had to abandon shorts  and tee - shirts for woollies.

Tomorrow,we depart for New Orleans pronounced New Orlens with the emphasis on the O by the natives!

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