Wednesday 30 March 2022

Day 6 Porto to

A trip on the Duoro.  This morning we are to take a train to Picnhou. It is, I am reliably informed, a trip taken in classic coaches. The entire trip will take 4 hours each way. There are steam trips in summer time. 

We breakfasted at one of the many cafes outside São Bento. We boarded the train at 09:20 am. 

Porto is ‘run down’ in places 

Some run-down inhabited buildings would never pass our health and safety laws. 

Back to the train......We are en route to Picinhou

We boarded  and travelled for about an hour before we saw the River Douro. 

The scenery was picturesque 

From there the scenery was spectacular . The train crossed bridges and via ducts 

It stopped at small picturesque stations along the route some with plainly tiled 

and  others with blue tiles representing the Portuguese way of life. 

It passed Quintas or estates where the grapes for port wine are produced 

We arrived at the end of the line

However, no boats departed from there so we boarded the train again and returned to Pinhão,

where we boarded a ship for a 2 hour trip up the Douro. (€20) pp. It   encompasses 250,000 acres. 

The bridge above was designed by Eiffel, he of Parisian fame. He is responsible for a number of bridges in the Porto area. 

An App downloaded  to one’s mobile, explained the history of the various Quintas - the port wineries  - some such as Sandeman, Dão, Cockburns and Graham’s are well known but other such as  Calem and Vila Vehla less so to name but a few. The trip had taken us up river from where we had returned by train. However, it was so relaxing on the water and the sun shone  

All along the Douro, the terraces were planted with vines  with the odd orchard of oranges and lemons on the lowers terraces. 

The terraces require much skilled work to form them Above the creation of terraces, which looked perilous for the staff. 

Back to the train again. As we returned to Porto, the train  at times hugged the edge of the river

and at others we travelled high above the valley

We passed river cruise ships 

On our return, we had to stop to await the train going up the valley 

We arrived at Porto as the sun was setting ...,

A very interesting day - we have seen the river from many aspects - driven the valley, years ago and on this occasion by train and boat. 

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