Wednesday 2 October 2019


Nearly there!! 

The track improved last night but now and again, the train rocked!! 

Breakfast was a pre packaged affair! To save costs, no chefs are employed on trains east of the Mississippi! Trump wanted to close down all trains west of the Mississippi -we’ll be doesn't believe in global warming!!! As for his supporters - we haven’t met one on any train!  

Our first stop this morning was Erie but not a lake to be seen!! We continued to Buffalo

the jumping off point for Niagara Falls, where we arrived by Greyhound bus so many years ago. 

The terrain is waterlogged, the  area forested with the trees wearing their autumnal colours. 

We continued to Syracuse  

The landscape remained the same. We followed the Mowhak River for a time 

Then a brief stop at Schenectady 

Next stop Albany - one hour’s stop here!!! 

From Albany to NYC, we travelled close to  the Hudson River. 

It was very picturesque: 

numerous bridges traverse the River 

houses with magnificent views 

and West Point - all  located on the opposite  bank  of the River. 

We finally arrived in Penn  Station - early for once! 

Three days in NYC ..... PS over 60 ? 1/2 fare on Subway - go to booth to purchase ticket !!  

Monday 30 September 2019

Chicago - NYC

The last leg of the train trip: 

We had a lovely day in Chicago. We had last visited 7 years ago to commence our drive of Route 66 from Chicago to Santa Monica. 

We walked up Adams to Macy’s. Later we crossed the Chicago River. I’d highly recommend the architectural tour of the city by boat. We did it on our last trip. 

En route what did we espy but a Trump tower, 

reaching to the clouds! Every person, we dined with, without exception were not Trump supporters and bemoaned the fact that he has so divided the country. 

From there we turned into State and on to the Golden Mile,

 where the residents of the city were out shopping  on this cool, damp, Sunday morning.  All the NYC shops are located here together with all the finest hotels 

                    The Burberry Building

We returned via the theatre district 

where we ate a very fine Italian meal at Petterino.  Most patrons were heading for the theatre.

We returned to our hotel, collected our bags and made our way to Union Station, where boarded the Lake Shore Limited train for the last leg of the trip to NYC. 


Sunday 29 September 2019

Denver - Chicago.

Departure was 40 minutes late!

We had dinner on board and then retired. We continued through Colorado, Nebraska and as we awoke, we had crossed the state line into Iowa. I didn’t sleep very well for two reasons - the state of the track (I thought I’d fall out of the bunk a few times) and the constant blowing of  the train horn as we passed every railway crossings didn’t make for a good night’s sleep. There are numerous crossings in this part of the country as it consists of a lot of isolated farms - each farm must have a crossing!

We also awoke to the disappointing news, much to distress of second son, who is in Japan for the World Cup, that Ireland was beaten by Japan! This was the team expected to win the World Cup!! 

It was dark as we traversed Nebraska and when we awoke we were in Iowa. We’ve left the majesty of the Rockies in favour of the rolling plains of Iowa, situated in the midwestern US between the Missouri River to the west and the mighty Mississippi to the east.  It was once part of French and Spanish Louisiana. It derives its name from the Ioway Native American Indian people who farmed this area prior to the arrival of the Europeans. It was originally an agricultural state based on corn but since the beginning of the 20th century, it had diversified its economy to include technology and green energy. 

Our first stop was Osceola  

Farming appears to be the mainstay of the economy - corn, beans and cattle. It is not as flat as I anticipated. There are numerous forests possibly grown as shelter belts. 

The landscape was also peppered with grain silos. 

Next stop: 

We’re still in Iowa but in this occasion, we are able to leave the train and stretch our legs. 

The countryside rolled on. There was evidence of rain haven fallen in Ottumwa, the first we’ve seen since  we arrived in the US!!

On we rolled on stopping at Mt Pleasant and Burlington. Just beyond Burlington, we crossed the mighty Mississippi 

and entered the state of Illinois. The fields were waterlogged here.  

It’s a dull day though the sun is attempting to break through. 

Illinois is bounded by the Mississippi on the west. The Capitol is Springfield. It is a state not unlike Iowa with rolling plains, forests and wetlands. Chicago Port is linked to the Atlantic via the Great Lakes and the St Lawrence seaway and to the Mississippi through the Great Lakes via Illinois waterway.  

We continued through Mt Pleasant, Burlington,  Galesburg

and Princeton before finally passing Naperville 

and the Chicago suburbs en route to Union Station, the platform was dark and forbidding unlike Union Station, Denver 

We arrived two hours later due to many factors, the state of the track, the numerous  crossings - some non functioning and to the fact that the train has to reverse into the station 

We made our way to Chicago Loop Hotel, another CQ Hotel. We went for dinner to Giordinos - a famous pizzeria. It requires a wait  of 1.15 hrs as it takes that length of time to cook the pizza or so we were told!! Meanwhile, we sat st the bar and ordered a beer and a bottle of wine which we intended drinking with the pizza. The bartender said he could not serve me a full bottle of wine ! I replied that we were sharing the wine when the pizza arrived - meantime I wanted a glass. So I suggested he get a bottle, give me a glass out of it, keep it behind the counter and when J finished the beer, he could then give us the wine. He agreed - somewhat reluctantly!! He was a little peeved and  said that the each State had its own laws. What weird licensing laws - a throw back to Prohibition, no doubt! 

The weather has taken a turn for the worse. It was only 17 last evening. I took out my jacket.  Tomorrow’s forecast - rain.!! 

Friday 27 September 2019


On we go - another night on Amtrak - another closet! 

Looking good at present - train only 15 minutes late at Grand junction today - here’s hoping we’ll hit Chicago on time!! 

We had plans to visit the US mint today but unfortunately it’s closed. 

Our train doesn’t arrive until 6:30 pm so we have the day here We had seen much of what is to see yesterday, so this morning, we decided to visit the Federal Reserve Bank - Denver Branch 

There was an excellent presentation on the evolution of the dollar. It was very interesting and I even designed my own currency! 

Have you ever seen what $30 million looks like? Look below: 

And if $30,000,000 is too much for you, will you settle for $100,000? 

We quitted the museum having received copious advice on how to spend one’s money wisely. 

We strolled up 16th street observing the beautiful architecture (above street level for the most part) and the markets in the centre of the street.  

Again as we returned to the hotel, we were presented with more street art 

A beautiful city. 

Thursday 26 September 2019


I’m in love with Denver!! I seemed to have lost years!!  Tonight at the Terminal Bar in Union Station, I was asked for my ID when I ordered a drink!!  Truly!! 

In 1859, Gregory from Georgia followed Clear Creek  upstream looking for gold. He staked numerous claims and the area was  known as ‘Richest Square Mile on Earth’. In the1800s there were thousands of gold miners and prospectors here. Gambling was big back then and so it is today with numerous casinos about. 

The surrounding area is an outdoor activity wonderland with hiking, mountain climbing, horse back riding, birdwatching to name but a few of nature’s pursuits.   

Today, has been a rest day and we did some housekeeping!! 

Later this afternoon , we took the Free Bus along 16th Street.- the old historic quarter. 

On one end is Union Station, the intercity railroad station and on the other the State Capitol building. 

We visited the State Capitol - very impressive with the Capitol

 at one end and the Town Hall and Courts 

at the other end of a scenic park. 

Having surveyed the area, which sported some interesting art works

we took the bus 

down to Union Station.

On a previous visit some years ago, it was in need of TLC. Today this building has been listed as a historic monument. Inside there are bars and restaurants together with a hotel. It was vibrant at 6pm as people stopped for a drink on their way home from the office.

and a private party was being held in the station’s centre. 

We had a drink in the Terminus Bar - a beautifully designed area. 

We returned to the hotel. 

Tonight it’s room service. We need the rest. Tomorrow we’re off to Chicago - When? That is in the laps of the gods!!