Wednesday 28 March 2018

Doha to Perth

That whiskey again!! We had to clear emigration and security before picking up the bottle. Having acquired it from Customs, we proceeded to the gate, where we were again put through security and guess what the bottle couldn’t go in hand baggage - the Australian Customs  will only allow Duty Free purchased at envarkation even though it was in a sealed bag! It had to be put in the hold! So readers beware of taking alcohol to Australia.!!

11.05 hours to Perth.!  It’s 01.55 and all passengers are aboard. We’re scheduled to take off at 02.05 and the engines are beginning to roll. The flight is only about 60% full. We’re surrounded by small children so I hope they sleep! 

As I had surprisingly slept for most of the trip, I didn’t notice the time passing. I finished watching The Lady in the Van, interrupted on arrival in Doha. Maggie Smith is a wonderful actor. 

On arrival, the automatic passport machines made emigration  painless, unlike Qatar, where the waiting was endless. We collected our bags and were out on the concourse awaiting the bus to the city - frequent service Aus $3.80. On arrival at the depot, there appeared to be a lack of taxis but we were soon directed to a rank and within minutes we arrived at Mantra on Hay Street.  

A snack and its off to bed. We’ll check out Perth tomorrow. ....

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