Thursday 28 December 2017

Dublin - Heathrow -London - Miami

Miami here we come!

The landing at Heathrow was ropy - due to dense cloud. 

Flying Business Class,  we enjoyed the comforts of the BA Club Lounge where copious food and wide variety of champagne, wine and spirits were available. The Lounge at Dublin Airport was a disappointment by comparison! 

The boarding was chaotic!! First Class, Business Class and Priority Boarding, of which there were many, vied to board!!

Once boarded, we were invited to partake of a choice of champagnes. We were due to depart on time at 14.15 but a discrepancy in the baggage paperwork has delayed our departure!!  It may have been our fault as BA appeared to make a mess of our booking. When we tried to check in on line, we are refused and it took two phone calls to BA and one to AA to sort the problem or so we thought!!  However, on arrival in Dublin airport, we were informed that there were two bookings in our names! 

It was most comfortable to turn one’s seat into a bed, have proper headphones and a wide choice of movies. I watched Churchill, My Cousin Rachel and an interesting documentary on the Director Steven Spielberg. I slept for 4 hours. 

We had an aperitif, dinner of choice - mine - wild mushrooms with artichokes, followed by a delicious main course of mouthwatering beef , together with a choice of wines and desert or a cheese board together with a digestif. An hour prior to landing, a delicious afternoon tea was served. All meals were served on a tray covered with a white linen table cloth and real cutlery!!! (My apologies, I forgot to take photos.) 

The 10 hour journey was to increase to 11 hours due to the baggage debacle. However, we made up some time and arrived a half an hour earlier than scheduled. We departed at 15.15 and arrived at 19.45 local time - a gain of 5 hours. 

Luckily, our luggage was there when we arrived at the carousel, having cleared Emigration surprisingly quickly. 

A quick 20 minute taxi ride ($35 flat fee) brought us to La Flora, an Art Deco 

hotel at 1228 Collins Street in the heart of the Art Deco District,  where a very pleasant young man checked us in - as it was now 21.30 local time - 02.30 GMT it was straight to bed!! 

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