Thursday 2 June 2016

Lake Namtso - Lhasa

This morning I got up to see the dawn. Unfortunately,  it had began to snow and the clouds obscured 

Shortly after 0900hrs, we departed for Lhasa. As it had snowed last night, the Pass was quite a challenge. Trucks were parked up at the Pass. But it looked like a winter wonderland with the mountains and valleys covered In snow. 


We continued down the snow covered valley and as we descended it became milder. We were now at a mere 4,000 metres. The snow disappeared and  we followed the path of the river. It is a mere trickle in summer but it was clear from the size of the boulder debris that in winter this is a mighty river. 

The road, the river and the railway all share the usually wide valley. Where it narrows the railway that took us from Xining to Lhasa tunnels into the surrounding mountains 

or runs on tracks located high above the valley. 

Stopping at very ornate stations along its route. 

We arrived back to the hotel at 15.30, tired but appreciating the opportunity to travel outside Lhasa, where we encountered wonderful scenery.  

One cannot travel outside Lhasa without a guide. In Lhasa one is free to roam as one wishes. Why? Control? 

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