Saturday 20 June 2015

Sheen Falls Day 2

It was a lovely  morning, so we decided to walk the estate. The highlight is the Queen's  Walk, opened in honour of Queen Victoria, who visited the area in the 1860s. However, it is now closed and a sorry sight as Petty's forestry, (he of the Downes Survey fame , who surveyed the country with a 1,000 soldiers in 15 months - were that we were so efficient today! In payment,  Cromwell gave him lands in the area- 3,500 acres and by 1666, he owned 270,000, having purchased land from Cromwell's soldiers, who wished to return to England), was ravaged by unprecedented gales last winter as was much of the south and west coasts.- remember Ardmore, dear reader? 

We walked down by the Falls - not as spectacular as Niagra and Iguazu Falls ( dear reader can you locate the latter? ) 
but it has its own charm. 

Later, we used the Lodge bikes to cycle to Glen Inchaquin Park on the Beara Penninsula.  

It was supposed to be 5 km cycle but after 10 km and having queried  locals as to distance, 'just a mile up the road"  we gave up and returned to Kenmare - a round trip of 20 km and all before lunch!! It was a very scenic cycle by the Kenmare river.  

Crossing the bridge into Kenmare town, 

we cycled around the town, espying, dear learned friends, what must be the most spectacular looking courthouse in Ireland. 

We adjourned to The Purple Heather, an old favourite from previous visits and partook of a plate of Irish cheeses together with an excellent LV port. We sat outside observing the visitors as the sun shone benevolently down on us. 
We set out on our return journey to Sheen Falls and I nearly came to a sad end as my bag caught in the spokes of the front wheel!! Practice in my younger years obviously saved me to torture you with further blogs on my world journeys. 

A hour spent by the pool to rest my weary limbs was just 'the ticket' ; the sun shining on the glass roof so I no need to avail of their sauna. 

Dinner at 8 here in the hotel. What culinary delights await??

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