Friday 1 May 2015

2015 Mayday Kraków

A new experience - standing outside a taupaulin 'building' which acted as immigration control! The rain was pouring  down and one of the cabin crew had joked that we had just flown around and were back in Dublin!! 

The airport is very small and appears to be in the process of development. As we were in row 3, we alighted early and we  had only to endure minutes in the rain. The later passengers had my sympathies! At least they had the sense to bring  a couple with two small children in out of the rain. I later spoke to the young mother at the baggage carousel and she told me that they were home for a family wedding;  that her babe in arms was three months old but she was worried about her 5 year old who was running a temperature. She asked if it was my first visit to Krakow and how long I was staying? I replied in the affirmative and said that I was staying until Monday. She said she hoped I'd return again for a longer visit! 

We left the airport and took a taxi to the hotel.  Though the prices were displayed, experience has taught us to check with the driver. Of course he inflated the price by 25% but when we pointed out the displayed price he agreed to it! However, he may have had the last laugh,  as unknown to us,there were two hotels named Fortuna  and he brought us to the wrong one. I suspect because the other necessitated a detour to access the one way street! Taxi Men are the same the world over!! 

I must digress to tell you of an incident we experienced in Bangkok. The present companion, being a train anorak, insisted that we take the local train from the airport to the city. The children, being city children,  were distraught as our fellow passengers were on their way to market with among other produce, live poultry. As there was no air conditioning, we experienced, what might euphemistically be called pungent aromas! 

On arrival at the station, as we were five, we had to take two taxis. As we crawled through the streets of Bangkok, in a non air conditioned  taxi, my son remarked that he thought we were going around in circles. The same thought had occurred to me. I took out my mobile, which incidentally didn't work in Thailand, and spoke into it. Suddenly we appeared to be travelling forward. We arrived at the hotel to find present partner and younger son bemused. We had spent over half an hour traversing the streets of Bangkok in 40 degrees while they had arrived at the hotel within minutes and had just finished lunch!  I asked what they had paid and I paid the same to our driver - it might be a lesson to him that you can 'fool some of the people some of the time but not all of the people all of the time.'

Our Krakow  hotel was just a couple of minutes away so we walked there. It was now 2215 hrs so we deposited our cases in the room and went out in the hope of getting some food. Alas, it appears all restaurants close at 2200 hrs so we had to settle for a beer and sandwich purchased at the local  'off licence'.

We repaired to the hotel. It is an old hotel reminiscent of the communist era - very similar to the type of hotel we stayed at when we visited The Soviet Union in 1988 to travel on the Trans Siberian Railway. 

On our return, the very pleasant receptionist asked if we had had a meal and when we replied in the negative, she suggested that she give us a kettle, cups and saucers, tea, milk and sugar to take to our room. She even had to hunt down the milk! 

The room consisted of two beds head to toe, basic furniture but a generous en suite. It was adequate but interestingly reminiscent of the dour Soviet past. 

Tomorrow is supposed to be wet too but we'll head to the city centre about an  8 minute walk and then to Wawel Royal castle. 

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