Tuesday 24 February 2015

2015 February 21

It's our final day here in Rome. I am not feeling too well. We stayed around the hotel and we left for the airport. 

Though we were 'under the weather' and I was pickpocketted, we enjoyed the trip. The people we encountered were for the most part extremely pleasant and helpful - from the people who directed us to the underground passage in the Underground, to Firenze where an extremely pleasant  female, police officer on the Piazza dell Duomo, directed us to Casa Medici, to the ticket checkers, who facilited our earlier return train to Rome, to the obliging owner at the Trattoria - more impressive in cities teeming with visitors. 

There was a very high security, particularly in Firenze. One was screened  entering many buildings. It appears the Italians are very concerned at the collapse of Libya and that Isis may use it as a base to attack Mediterranean countries. Army and police were very visible but their presence did not intrude on one's enjoyment of the cities. 

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