Thursday 9 December 2021

Final Days - Palma - Soller- Palma

Today we are taking a train and vintage trolley to Soller, a scenic area located on the north western coast. 

Joining us are a couple we met at the wedding. 

                 First class accommodation 

                                    Tourist class

Travelling through one of the many mountain tunnels. 

Arriving Soller 

      At the station we spotted some pieces of art 

 The trolley took us through the streets

Arriving at the coast - we lunched overlooking the bay, returned to the station for the 17:30, boarding the lady return train to Palma. 

Arriving back in Palma, there was a statue to honour the Knights Templar. Passing through the historic quarter, we arrived 

at the cathedral (too large to photo its entirety) at sunset 

                      The Town Hall

Overlooking the bay

We returned to the hotel via the narrow streets 

to the hotel, which was an old building, very sympathetically restored 

                           The lounge 

A view from the second floor all in stone 

Next day, we took a 15 minute drive and arrived at the airport - a great week - an island worth visiting 

Alcudia Day 2

After breakfast, we went to visit Pollentia- ciutat Romana - the remains of a Roman Settlement outside the town walls. 

There was also a theatre

We quitted Alcúdia and drove north to Pollenca. We arrived at the port, which is a modern tourist resort as is Port d’Alcúdia. The towns were built inland to avoid pirate raids! 

Miles and miles of golden beaches - very quiet on this Autumn day. We continued to the town of Pollenca. We lunched in its vast square 

and later I climbed Calvari  - an infinite number of steps to a church at the summit. 

                    Two thirds up - more to go!!

          A view from the church atop Calvari 
I returned to the square and we set off for Palma, the beautiful Mallorca capital. 

We are staying in      within the city walls. We had fun and games trying to locate the hotel as Sat Nav threw in the towel!!  After circling the area four times, we finally reached  the hotel. 

Exhausted, we dined at a wonderful local restaurant nearby!!