Wednesday 2 October 2019


Nearly there!! 

The track improved last night but now and again, the train rocked!! 

Breakfast was a pre packaged affair! To save costs, no chefs are employed on trains east of the Mississippi! Trump wanted to close down all trains west of the Mississippi -we’ll be doesn't believe in global warming!!! As for his supporters - we haven’t met one on any train!  

Our first stop this morning was Erie but not a lake to be seen!! We continued to Buffalo

the jumping off point for Niagara Falls, where we arrived by Greyhound bus so many years ago. 

The terrain is waterlogged, the  area forested with the trees wearing their autumnal colours. 

We continued to Syracuse  

The landscape remained the same. We followed the Mowhak River for a time 

Then a brief stop at Schenectady 

Next stop Albany - one hour’s stop here!!! 

From Albany to NYC, we travelled close to  the Hudson River. 

It was very picturesque: 

numerous bridges traverse the River 

houses with magnificent views 

and West Point - all  located on the opposite  bank  of the River. 

We finally arrived in Penn  Station - early for once! 

Three days in NYC ..... PS over 60 ? 1/2 fare on Subway - go to booth to purchase ticket !!