Thursday 31 January 2019

The Antarctic Adventure

                       The Antarctic itinerary

We departed Dublin for Frankfurt on a Lufthansa flight (1.5 hrs), connecting with another Lufthansa flight to Buenos Aires. (BA) 12.45 hrs. We arrived in Frankfurt 
with little time to spare what with having to change Terminals (by train), again go through Passport Control and Security to reach the gate, even though we had never left the Flight Connections area! 

We departed a little late at 23.00 hrs  probably due to planes having to be de-iced because of Frankfurt’s inclement weather. 

We made up the time and arrived in BA at 08.20 local time - 20 minutes late - not bad for a 12.59 hour journey!  There is only a 3 hour time difference between BA and Dublin. 

The plane, a 747-8, having the capacity to seat 400 passengers, hadn’t a spare  seat! The journey was initially uneventful 

                    Views from the cockpit

until we reached the Equator and headed south along the S. American east coast, where it became very stormy and the plane was shaking!! However, we arrived safely. 

The queue for immigration was huge as many of the European carriers arrive in the early morning. It took 35 minutes to clear and it was 0930 when the Tourist Office suggested we take a car to the regional airport - a 40-60 minute drive away. (€30). The car had the added advantage of a fixed fare paid for in advance so no haggling with Taxi drivers necessary.  We had a flight booked to depart Jorge Newbury domestic airport at 12.00. We arrived at 10.30 and made the flight even though there was chaos there - I won’t bore you with the details!! We departed on time and arrived at Plata Del Mar one hour later - the seaside location for residents to flee BA’s intensive summer heat! 

A car to hotel Seneca near the beach took 20 minutes (€9) The hotel disappointed in that it did not live up to its reviews but it will be adequate for the two nights of our sojourn here. It is as well that I speak un poco Espanol - there’s little English spoken here. 

As I write I’m sitting in Eva Peron railway station in Mar Del Plata awaiting the ticket sellers to return from their 3 hour siesta!!! We intend taking. a train back to BA on Saturday in anticipation of our departing cruise to the Antarctic on Sunday evening. 

More tomorrow

Sunday 6 January 2019

San Pedro December 31- January 8 2019

Arrived in SP Andalucia  Spain on 31st December at 21.30 

Ones only options, as I learned from previous experience, is to book dinner for the evening However, the cost was prohibitive - anywhere from €160-250pp  for dinner including drinks. 

We walked up town. The Main Street Calle Duero was festooned with lights  All the restaurants were fully booked. We had a drink and returned to the apartment. There is no ringing in the New Year on the streets as in most places in the world. 

Their celebration is on the eve of the Epiphany, the night of the 5th January. Santa brings presents on the 6th January. The children lined the streets at 1800 hrs, armed with their bags to collect the sweets thrown from the floats by some of their contemporaries. 

The parade commenced with the postmen from
Correos  collecting Santa’s letters from the children who lined the streets followed by numerous floats 

The parade took one hour commencing in the light and finishing in darkness - a fantastic experience for the children.